Paroles Woody Guthrie - Songs To Grow On For Mother And Child en Français
- Paroles Grassy Grass Grass (Grow, Grow, Grow)
- Paroles Swimmy Swim
- Paroles Little Sugar (Little Saka Sugar)
- Paroles Rattle My Rattle
- Paroles I Want My Milk (I Want It Now)
- Paroles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Paroles One Day Old
- Paroles Wash-Y Wash Wash (Warsh Little Tootsy)
- Paroles I'll Eat You, I'll Drink You
- Paroles Make A Blobble
- Paroles Who's My Pretty Baby (Hey Pretty Baby)
- Paroles I'll Write & I'll Draw
- Paroles Why, Oh Why
- Paroles Pick It Up
- Paroles Pretty & Shinny-O
- Paroles Needle Sing
- Paroles Bling-Blang
- Paroles Goodnight Little Arlo (Goodnight Little Darlin')