Paroles Childish Gambino - Because The Internet en Français
- Paroles 3005
- Paroles The Library (Intro)
- Paroles I. The Crawl
- Paroles II. Worldstar
- Paroles Dial Up
- Paroles I. The Worst Guys
- Paroles II. Shadows
- Paroles III. Telegraph Ave.
- Paroles IV. Sweatpants
- Paroles V. 3005
- Paroles Playing Around Before The Party Starts
- Paroles I. The Party
- Paroles II. No Exit
- Paroles Death By Numbers
- Paroles I. Flight Of The Navigator
- Paroles II. Zealots Of Stockholm (Free Information)
- Paroles III. Urn
- Paroles I. Pink Toes
- Paroles II. Earth: The Oldest Computer (The Last Night)
- Paroles III. Life: The Biggest Troll (Andrew Auernheimer)
- Paroles III. Telegraph Ave. ("Oakland" By Lloyd)