Paroles en français → Artistes → T → The Clay People Populaire Paroles de The Clay People Paroles AwakeParoles Fire EyesParoles SwerveParoles Be MineParoles Supersonic Overdrive Albums de The Clay People Waking The Dead (2007)Paroles Supersonic OverdriveParoles Waking The DeadParoles SwerveParoles When Heavens FallParoles Burning TaoParoles The Ancient One InterludeParoles Obstacle (Failure)Paroles Never Give UpParoles SecretParoles Be MineParoles LostParoles Saturn Vs. The Dreamer (Emptiness)Paroles MonstersParoles ValentineParoles HappyThe Headhunter Demos (2000)Paroles My X-Ploding HeadParoles Broken KissesParoles Loves.Thrills.Breaks.Kills.Paroles PariahParoles StoneThe Clay People (1998)Paroles AwakeParoles PlugParoles Mechanized MindParoles Calling Spaceship: Damien GriefParoles Car Bomb (Am I Human?)Paroles Fade AwayParoles Raygun GirlsParoles Dying To Be YouParoles ThreadParoles GhostwishingParoles Who Am I?Stone - Ten Stitches (1997)Paroles Intro (Stitches)Paroles StoneParoles BloodsuckersParoles PariahParoles Spider's BrideParoles Pandora ComplexParoles Mechanized MindParoles T.M.S.Paroles Little JackParoles A Strange DayThe Iron Icon (1995)Paroles LethargicParoles We Are All SickParoles PalegodParoles VictimsParoles Rusted Iron Turning WheelParoles SpitFiretribe (1994)Paroles DeadmanParoles CrudsongParoles In ChaosParoles Close My EyeParoles GodsickParoles NothingParoles ScriptureParoles ShroudParoles SkinParoles VoidParoles Fire EyesParoles Teeth To GrindCompilation AppearancesParoles ParanoidParoles PalegodParoles Jump AroundParoles Spider's BrideParoles A Strange Day
Waking The Dead (2007)Paroles Supersonic OverdriveParoles Waking The DeadParoles SwerveParoles When Heavens FallParoles Burning TaoParoles The Ancient One InterludeParoles Obstacle (Failure)Paroles Never Give UpParoles SecretParoles Be MineParoles LostParoles Saturn Vs. The Dreamer (Emptiness)Paroles MonstersParoles ValentineParoles Happy
The Headhunter Demos (2000)Paroles My X-Ploding HeadParoles Broken KissesParoles Loves.Thrills.Breaks.Kills.Paroles PariahParoles Stone
The Clay People (1998)Paroles AwakeParoles PlugParoles Mechanized MindParoles Calling Spaceship: Damien GriefParoles Car Bomb (Am I Human?)Paroles Fade AwayParoles Raygun GirlsParoles Dying To Be YouParoles ThreadParoles GhostwishingParoles Who Am I?
Stone - Ten Stitches (1997)Paroles Intro (Stitches)Paroles StoneParoles BloodsuckersParoles PariahParoles Spider's BrideParoles Pandora ComplexParoles Mechanized MindParoles T.M.S.Paroles Little JackParoles A Strange Day
The Iron Icon (1995)Paroles LethargicParoles We Are All SickParoles PalegodParoles VictimsParoles Rusted Iron Turning WheelParoles Spit
Firetribe (1994)Paroles DeadmanParoles CrudsongParoles In ChaosParoles Close My EyeParoles GodsickParoles NothingParoles ScriptureParoles ShroudParoles SkinParoles VoidParoles Fire EyesParoles Teeth To Grind
Compilation AppearancesParoles ParanoidParoles PalegodParoles Jump AroundParoles Spider's BrideParoles A Strange Day