Paroles en français → Artistes → R → Roger Miret And The Disasters Populaire Paroles de Roger Miret And The Disasters Paroles Loud And ProudParoles Give 'Em The BootParoles Screw YouParoles Just UsParoles Janie Hawk Albums de Roger Miret And The Disasters Gotta Get Up Now (2011)Paroles Stand Up And FightParoles The EnemyParoles We're Gonna Find A WayParoles FadedParoles Gotta Get Up NowParoles My Own WayParoles Outcast YouthParoles Tales Of A Short Hair BoyParoles Tonight's The NightParoles Bare-Knuckle BrawlerParoles Red white and BlueParoles Road To NowhereParoles City SoldiersParoles JR1984 (2004)Paroles Loud And ProudParoles Riot, Riot, RiotParoles 1984Paroles The BoysParoles TurncoatParoles Lower East SideParoles HooligansParoles Street Rock N RollParoles I Don't Like YouParoles Kill For CashParoles Shot Stabbed And FooledParoles Janie HawkParoles New York CityRoger Miret And The Disasters (2002)Paroles Run Johnny RunParoles Kiss Kiss Kill KillParoles Give 'Em The BootParoles Radio, RadioParoles It's AlrightParoles Boys Will Be BoysParoles Screw YouParoles Smash It UpParoles Punch The ClockParoles Gal FriendParoles Just UsParoles BreakawayParoles Look At MeParoles New York Belongs To MeOther SongsParoles Give 'em The BootParoles Roots Rockin' RollParoles Warning! Warning!
Gotta Get Up Now (2011)Paroles Stand Up And FightParoles The EnemyParoles We're Gonna Find A WayParoles FadedParoles Gotta Get Up NowParoles My Own WayParoles Outcast YouthParoles Tales Of A Short Hair BoyParoles Tonight's The NightParoles Bare-Knuckle BrawlerParoles Red white and BlueParoles Road To NowhereParoles City SoldiersParoles JR
1984 (2004)Paroles Loud And ProudParoles Riot, Riot, RiotParoles 1984Paroles The BoysParoles TurncoatParoles Lower East SideParoles HooligansParoles Street Rock N RollParoles I Don't Like YouParoles Kill For CashParoles Shot Stabbed And FooledParoles Janie HawkParoles New York City
Roger Miret And The Disasters (2002)Paroles Run Johnny RunParoles Kiss Kiss Kill KillParoles Give 'Em The BootParoles Radio, RadioParoles It's AlrightParoles Boys Will Be BoysParoles Screw YouParoles Smash It UpParoles Punch The ClockParoles Gal FriendParoles Just UsParoles BreakawayParoles Look At MeParoles New York Belongs To Me