Paroles en français → Artistes → M → Maurice Jarre Populaire Paroles de Maurice Jarre Paroles Lara's ThemeParoles GhostParoles Unchained MelodyParoles Carpe DiemParoles Unchained Melody Orchestral Albums de Maurice Jarre Dead Poets Society (1990)Paroles Carpe DiemParoles NealParoles To The CaveParoles Keating' TriumphParoles Football TrainingParoles Buiding The BarnParoles PreludeParoles Death Of A ChildParoles KwanParoles Kwan's SacrificeGhost (1990)Paroles Unchained MelodyParoles GhostParoles SamParoles DittoParoles CarlParoles MollyParoles Generique FinOther SongsParoles Lara's ThemeParoles Unchained Melody Orchestral
Dead Poets Society (1990)Paroles Carpe DiemParoles NealParoles To The CaveParoles Keating' TriumphParoles Football TrainingParoles Buiding The BarnParoles PreludeParoles Death Of A ChildParoles KwanParoles Kwan's Sacrifice
Ghost (1990)Paroles Unchained MelodyParoles GhostParoles SamParoles DittoParoles CarlParoles MollyParoles Generique Fin