Populaire Paroles de Darkthrone
- Paroles Quintessence
- Paroles Hans Siste Vinter
- Paroles Graven Takeheimens Saler
- Paroles I Am The Working Class
- Paroles Kathaarian Life Code
Albums de Darkthrone
Arctic Thunder (2016)
The Underground Resistance (2013)
Circle The Wagons (2010)
Dark Thrones And Black Flags (2008)
- Paroles The Winds They Called The Dungeon Shaker
- Paroles Oath Minus
- Paroles Hiking Metal Punks
- Paroles Blacksmith Of The North
- Paroles Norway In September
- Paroles Grizzly Trade
- Paroles Hanging Out In Haiger
- Paroles Dark Thrones And Black Flags
- Paroles Launchpad To Nothingness
- Paroles Witch Ghetto
- Paroles Death Of All Oaths (Oath Minus)
- Paroles Blacksmith Of The North (Keep That Ancient Fire)
F.O.A.D. (2007)
The Cult Is Alive (2006)
Too Old, Too Cold (2006)
Sardonic Wrath (2004)
Hate Them (2003)
Plaguewielder (2001)
Ravishing Grimness (1999)
Total Death (1996)
Goatlord (1996)
Panzerfaust (1995)
Transilvanian Hunger (1994)
Under A Funeral Moon (1993)
A Blaze In The Northern Sky (1992)
Soulside Journey (1991)
Other Songs
- Paroles Archipelago
- Paroles Blacksmith Of The North (Keep That Ancient Fire)
- Paroles Death Of All Oaths (Oath Minus)
- Paroles Fuck Off And Die
- Paroles Graven Tåkeheimens Saler
- Paroles Order Of The Ominous
- Paroles Raised On Rock
- Paroles Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality
- Paroles Thulcandra
- Paroles Tyster På Gud
- Paroles Nor The Silent (Whispers)
- Paroles Summer Of The Diobolical Holocaust