Populaire Paroles de Blöod Düster
- Paroles Broke Ass Bitch
- Paroles Shoved Up Your Pisshole
- Paroles Metal As Fuck
- Paroles Angry Dragon
- Paroles Motherfuckin'
Albums de Blöod Düster
Lyden Nå (2007)
SixSixSixteen (2004)
Blöod Düster (2003)
- Paroles ForThoseAboutToFuck
- Paroles Idí
- Paroles Sixsixsixteen
- Paroles Cockjunkie
- Paroles Sellout
- Paroles IWannaDoItWithADonna
- Paroles Fruityrelationships
- Paroles HeroinPunk
- Paroles Sk8ergrrl
- Paroles BadHabbits
- Paroles On the Stage
- Paroles VeganFeast
- Paroles Drinkfightfuck
- Paroles TonyGoesToCourt (Skit)
- Paroles Onthehunt
- Paroles Currenttrends
- Paroles Underground
- Paroles Drugfiend
- Paroles Achin'ForAn'A'Cup
- Paroles Dahmertheembalmer
- Paroles She'sajunkie
- Paroles NuCorporate
Cunt (2001)
- Paroles Wearethewordpolice
- Paroles Bigfatarse
- Paroles Anotherslackarsedaussieband
- Paroles Pornstorestiffi
- Paroles Pissing Contest
- Paroles Ijustfinishedsuckingoffmetalheadsinthemensurinals
- Paroles Hoochiemumma
- Paroles Iloveitwhenjoepesciswears
- Paroles Stocktakin'
- Paroles Letsallfuck
- Paroles Atracksuitisnotappropriatemetalapparel
- Paroles Thecorpsesong
- Paroles Fuckyousceneboy
- Paroles Iskillingclonesillegal
- Paroles Don'tcallmehomeboyya'cunt
- Paroles Spefeven
- Paroles Theobjectistoshiftsomeunits
- Paroles Sweetmeat
- Paroles Dis-Organ-Ized
Str8 Outta Northcote (1998)
- Paroles Givin' Stiff To The Stiff
- Paroles Hippie Kill Team
- Paroles Metal As Fuck
- Paroles I Hate Girls And Crusty Punx
- Paroles Chop-Chop
- Paroles Tittie
- Paroles Motherload
- Paroles The Meat Song (Stiffy In McDonald's)
- Paroles Deathsquad
- Paroles Instrumental 1
- Paroles The Simple Life
- Paroles Where Does All The Money Go When Releasing A Full Length Album
- Paroles It's Not Just Metal
- Paroles Celebrating 35% Pig Fat
- Paroles F.S.S.
- Paroles Oohahh
- Paroles Derek2
- Paroles Rollcall
- Paroles Shoved Up Your Pisshole
- Paroles Ballad Of Hoyt
- Paroles Pure Digital Silence
- Paroles Cortina Drivin' Bitch
Yeest (1996)
- Paroles Albert
- Paroles Northcote
- Paroles Motherfuckin'
- Paroles Chuck
- Paroles Showered With Affection Pt. 2
- Paroles Stop
- Paroles Nasty Chicks
- Paroles Intro
- Paroles Vulgar Taste
- Paroles Kill, Kill, Kill
- Paroles Bitch
- Paroles Mortician
- Paroles Sadomasifuck
- Paroles Rectal Spawn
- Paroles Grossman The Meatman
- Paroles Bloodfart
- Paroles Knee Deep In Menstrual Blood (The Bleeding Bitch Returns) (Pt. 2)
- Paroles Chunky Bit
- Paroles Simultaneous Pleasure Pinch
- Paroles Theatre Of The Macabre
- Paroles Gimme Some Lovin'
- Paroles Raping The Elderly
- Paroles Anal Feast
- Paroles Fisting The Dead
- Paroles Derek